We have seen a worryingly high number of Parvo virus cases in puppies recently.
Parvo is a highly contagious gastro-intestinal disease of unvaccinated puppies. Many puppies will die despite our best nursing efforts and care
We recommend that bitches are vaccinated prior to mating in order to pass on strong maternal antibodies in the colostrum.

Puppies must vaccinated at 6 weeks by the breeder. They should only leave their mothers at 8 weeks and then receive a booster
at 9 weeks and 12 weeks.
Below are 3 of the pups that we did manage to save.

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Parvovirus is a puppy killer. More than 85% reported cases of Parvovirus worldwide are of puppies between the age of 6 weeks to 18 weeks. – It is a virus that affects the gastro intestinal tract and bone marrow causing a haemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhoea and immune suppression.It can kill up to 90% of untreated dogs

Prevention is the only way to ensure that a puppy or dog remain healthy because the disease is extremely virulent and contagious. Appropriate vaccination should be performed starting at 5–6 weeks of age, with a booster given every 3–4 weeks until at least 12 weeks of age and a booster after 1 year.

Likewise, breeding bitches should be vaccinated early to pass on maternal antibody to puppies. The virus is extremely hardy and has been found to survive in faeces and other organic material such as soil for over a year. It survives extremely cold and hot temperatures.
A dog that successfully recovers from CPV2 generally remains contagious for up to three weeks, but it is possible they may remain contagious for up to six.

Ongoing infection risk is primarily from faecal contamination of the environment due to the virus’s ability to survive many months in the environment. Neighbours and family members with dogs should be notified of infected animals so that they can ensure that their dogs are vaccinated or tested for immunity. The vaccine will take up to 2
weeks to reach effective levels of immunity; the contagious individual should remain
 in quarantine until all other dog are protected