Loyalty Card

Loyalty Card

Terms and conditions: Valid for: Food Over the counter medications vaccinations Neutering of pets less than 18 months old that are not pregnant or in season The account must be settled on the day to receive the discount Cannot be used in conjunction with other...
Puppy and kitten vaccination special

Puppy and kitten vaccination special

Puppy and kitten vaccination special: We realize that vaccinating your new puppy or kitten can be a costly exercise so in an effort to promote good vaccination protocols we will be running a special: if your puppy or kitten’s first two vaccinations are done with...
October is Dental Month

October is Dental Month

Dental Month October is our dental awareness month and we are offering a free dental check, a small sample of dental care food and advice on your pet’s oral health. Dental disease, if left untreated causes serious pain to your pet due to infected or broken teeth. The...