Puppy and kitten vaccination special: We realize that vaccinating your new puppy or kitten can be a costly exercise so in an effort to promote good vaccination protocols we will be running a special: if your puppy or kitten’s first two vaccinations are done with...
Over the past years we have seen a increase in the use of pet sitters as a way to look after your pet while you are away. There is no denying that most pets are much more comfortable in their home environment as opposed to the kennels but this does not mean that the...
The basic premise of vaccination is that by vaccinating your pet you make their immune system aware of a certain disease. If your pet then comes into contact with that disease, its immune system is primed to re-spond rapidly and will be able to effectively fight off...
Over the summer around the majority if the cases we see will fit into 1 of following 5 conditions: Here is a very brief run-down of what you can do to prevent them from occurring: Gastroenteritis. This is a broad term for any stomach upset and there are too many...
During each season of the year there seems to be a couple of diseases / conditions that we see an increased prevalence of like arthritis in winter, snake bites in spring etc. Over the summer around the majority if the cases we see will fit into 1 of following 4...