Dental Focus During the months of September and October we will be focusing on dental health in our pets. During these months we offer a 10% discount on all dental procedures, dental care products and dental foods. We also offer free dental checks (please phone to...
Terms and conditions: Valid for: Food Over the counter medications vaccinations Neutering of pets less than 18 months old that are not pregnant or in season The account must be settled on the day to receive the discount Cannot be used in conjunction with other...
Obesity in pets—A growing problem. As clinicians in the veterinary field we are seeing more and more pets that are overweight, We are picking these up at routine visits for vaccines or other health checks, where we do a thorough assessment of the dogs physical...
Help—my dog is vomiting! What should I do? If your dog is bright and alert, and only vomits once, it is probably not necessary to call your veterinarian. For instance many dogs will vomit after eating grass . If your dog vomits more than once or appears sick, call...
The Basics of Vaccinations The basic premise of vaccination is that by vaccinating your pet you make their immune system aware of a certain disease. If your pet then comes into contact with that disease, its immune system is primed to respond rapidly and will be able...